This is our handy thumbnail utility for our small collection of clip art. Although small, our clipart has been been optimized - small, fast-loading file sizes. Most inages have transparent backgrounds to make it easy to combine with your own custom art and collages. Use the number parameter to adjust the image height of all clip art displays. Click the top-left W, B or L buttons to display images with white, black or lightgray background.

Thumber (resized) image thumbnails viewer --- Bob Carroll, Las Vegas

thumber.html              - this help screen
thumber.html?,img         - thumbnails, default height, img folder
thumber.html?-50,clipart  - thumbnails 50 pixels in clipart folder
thumber.html?-90+red,test - thumbnails 90px + red background in test

  * default: 130 pixel height, background option: W White B Black